‘Lee Min Jung’ beautiful, goddess look in most recent pictorials taken in Milano

Actress Lee Min Jung, who came back withgraceful and mysterious image, unveiled her Milano pictorials.

Through the September number of fashion magazine ‘Cosmopolitan’, Lee Min Jung showed her ‘Vincis-Bench’ pictorials which were taken at a beautiful mansion in the city of fashion and art: Milano.

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Lee Min Jung gorgeous face makes her model ‘gold’

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Lee Min Jung is considered one of the most attractive women in South Korean film and also one of the best actresses. Thus whenever she endorses a product a considerable amount of attention is directed toward it and this is definitely the situation surrounding her modelling for the luxurious clothing brand VINCISBENCH.

The company used the appeal of Lee Min Jung’s gorgeous facial features and her stylish fashion fashion sense to create what they feel were ‘luxurious and calm pictorials” that they are very confident will appeal to customers. For some of Lee Min Jung’s fans this was not a difficult decision because she is renowned as having one of the most elegant and beautiful faces in South Korea.

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